Friday, November 19, 2010

Thank you!

Thanksgiving has got me thinking about what I'm thankful for.  Isn't it great how being thankful changes everything?  I'm thankful for my awesome, thoughtful husband.  I'm thankful that we get to spend our first Christmas together, finally, as a married couple!  I'm thankful that my mom's back surgery went really well and she's starting to walk again on her own!  I'm also thankful for...
 My two great sisters and their families, or their soon-to-be families ;)
 My dad and step-mom and their coolness and their inspiration,
 My friends and all of the great moments with them and the fun that we have,
 My other family members and all of their love,
 Books, Christmas, learning, life, new experiences, God! and everything that He means to me, beauty and makeup, and lots more, including you as the reader!~  I've found out that some of you are from South Africa, Russia, and the Netherlands!  Thank you for reading my blog :)  It was really cool for me to see that not only U.S. citizens have looked at my blog.  And of course I'm thankful for you Americans too!  Have a great fall day, wherever you are :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My little sister's upcoming wedding

Well, weddings have been on my mind again~!  My little sister Caitlin is getting married this summer, and I love helping her come up with ideas and inspirations.  She's leaning towards a french couture style of wedding, and it looks like it's going to be lots of fun!  So I put together this collage together for her on (very wonderful and interactive website!)  It's so fun and fulfilling to use creativity for a purpose.

Glam Eiffel Tower Necklace
$6.80 -
Forever21 necklaces »
The Crystal Room Chandelier
$65 -

fluer de lis wallpaper

And yes, the married life is going great. :)  It's funny how I've told so many people lately that if I would have known that being married to Jason was going to be this good, I would have probably gotten married sooner!  But I definitely believe, at the same time, that our timing was perfect for us. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Make someone happy by Jimmy Durante--love the song, kinda funny kid


bliss [blis] -noun
1. supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment: wedded bliss.

It's true, I have found myself in moments of bliss with Jason.  It's something that I didn't expect, and it's been a delightful surprise!  Being married brings with it feelings of great security and companionship for me.  I know, of course, that we are still in the honeymoon stage, but I'm going to soak up all that I can!  Why not?  The beauty of knowing what season you're in is that you'll enjoy what's around and within you.  If only I can be more in tune with this season, I think I would get even more out of it.  There's something about focusing on the good and not the bad, the colorful and not the dull, the excitement and not the routine.  It makes life wonderful.  I love to surround myself with things like that.  And so I inspire myself with songs that I love, like "Make Someone Happy" by Jimmy Durante, movies like "You've Got Mail" (I can't count how many times I've watched it), french press coffee or Pumpkin Spice lattes, and beauty books ("Captivating" and makeover books...ahhhh, how I love makeover books.)  It all makes me feel more alive, more loved, and more in love. What makes you happy?  What makes your spouse happy?  I'm on a journey to find these things and practice them, for it makes a great life, and great wife at that! (So I've been told ;)  

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wedding Pictures, Peach Cobbler, and Decorating

This is what I've been up to lately:

I recently received a preview of our professional wedding pictures, 64 of them to be exact, and they look great! I can't hardly wait to see the rest of them.  We had a photographer who specializes in photojournalism, and you can really tell by her work. Her name is Vivian Johnson, and you can view some of her work at if you'd like to see it.  Mine and Jason's pictures won't be on there yet of course. One thing I'm very looking forward to is putting a photo book together from our wedding.  ...The wedding is still really on my mind even though it's been 2 1/2 weeks since the big day :)  And it really turned out to be better than I hoped.  The color scheme, the time of day, the attendants, the weather, the dress, the CEREMONY....  Ahhh, it's almost like a dream.  And I love things that feel like dreams.  Especially something as big as this.  I almost can't stop looking at the pictures and just reliving it all.  It's like it cements that day into my mind.  I love it.  I am so glad that the day didn't go by like a blur--like I've heard from many a bride :)--but that I was able to be very present.  As I was walking down the aisle towards Jason, I made it a point to focus on him and realize the importance and the weight of the moment.  It's funny to see pictures of me crying as I'm coming down the aisle!  In some of them, of course, I'm smiling. :-)  Ah, anyways, it was such a beautiful day.  Even though it was shorter than I planned it would be, I still think that it was perfect.  Everyone was getting along so well.  And most importantly, we really felt God being there with us...gracing us with His weighty presence...showing His pleasure in covenant and us His peace and love to experience and feel...reminding me of His enormous love for me...that He would bring someone like Jason along in my path for me to choose--for life.  

Marriage.  What a sweet and wonderful thing.  :)  

One new journey I have embarked on since being a new wife is baking. So far I've baked a broccoli casserole, a cherry dream pie, and as of last night--my first attempt at peach cobbler.  I think I let the peach cobbler sit too long before putting it in the oven (Jason was already using the oven for some dinner items for our dinner party last night).  So I think the peach juices melded too much with the flour and sugar, so it made the dough very doughy!  I even put the cobbler back in the oven twice to see if it would solidify more.  No such luck! Anyways, the dinner party attendants thought that it was tasty, so I'm thankful for their sweet support.  I'm going to be more precise next time. It sure was fun though! And I really love using the new baking dishes. It makes everything more exciting when you get to use something that's new to you. It doesn't even have to be brand-new, just fresh, yes? Now on to more baking adventures!

Decorating.  It's just a wonderful word, let alone a wonderful meaning. I really enjoy decorating. And re-decorating.  I don't know how many times I've laid something out and rearranged it.  Jason's used to it now, I think. :)  The good news is that we were able to bring so much of our wedding decorations home with us--that we have almost fully decorated our entire apartment with it! I love the style; it's nautical. I have many more ideas of what I would like each room to look like in the future, but this is a great place to start!  Thanks Dad and Sue!  ;)

Now, I wonder what I should bake or decorate today... :) :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

My First Post!

Hi!  I'm so excited to start my first blog!  I hope that you'll find my blog to be interesting, thought-provoking and fun.  I'm looking forward to beginning this journey of sharing about being a new wife.  Let me know what you think, as I would love the feedback.  
The Newlywed